Legacy Giving
Leave a forever gift for HomeFirst
A legacy gift of any size will advance our mission to confront homelessness by cultivating people’s potential to get housed and stay housed. If you, like us, believe this mission is not an overnight concept, but will require long-term investment and support, a planned gift may resonate.

Why Now?
HomeFirst’s vision is to end homeless by ensuring that everyone has a home that is an enduring refuge from homelessness. With nearly 10,000 people of all ages currently homeless in Santa Clara County and over 7,000 of those unhoused each night, we need your support to develop long term commitments to solving this humanitarian crisis. Your investment in our mission helps sustain our work now and in the foreseeable future.
- Linda Lingle
We have come dangerously close to accepting the homeless situation as a problem we just can’t solve.

What is a Legacy Gift?
Also known as planned giving, a legacy gift is a donation in addition to annual gifts of cash or securities. While there are many types of such gifts – bequests, retirement plan or life insurance, stock transfer, gift annuities, charitable remainder trust, gifts of property, for instance.
This type of gift need not be complicated, but it should always be made through consultation with a Financial Planner or Wealth Advisor. With this expertise, you can decide what vehicle works best for you at this time in your life, knowing that it is an investment in the sustainability of HomeFirst.

A bequest is a gift of personal property that can be made through your will or living trust It can be cash, specific items or assets. It is easily modified to reflect your changing needs and does not affect your current lifestyle. If you already have a will, your bequest may read as follows:
“I hereby give, devise or bequeath to HomeFirst Services of Santa Clara County (EIN# 94-2684272) the sum of $____ to be used for its general unrestricted fund.”
Stock Transfer

When you donate appreciated stock or mutual fund shares instead of cash you will receive charitable deductions at full, fair market value while reducing capital gains impact.
Contact CFO Art Stein (astein@homefirstscc.org) after notification on transfer of shares. The charitable value of your gift is determined by the average of the high and low stock price on the actual date of transfer.