Happy Holidays to our extended HomeFirst family,
A video hit social media this morning of 65+ local churches spreading hope during
COVID-19-Lockdown by singing a Christmas blessing over our city.
As a part of the project, they selected two nonprofits to raise funds for through a giving circle...
and I'm glad to say HomeFirst is one of them. Already, in a the very first few hours the video
is going viral and over $2000 has already come in. It will run in newspapers and TV over the
next few weeks.
For those of you who would like to view or share this on social media below are the links:
YouTube: https://youtu.be/XB9Raut1Eto Facebook: https://fb.watch/2jdCUyoTnu/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CIqQV_wDPHx/?igshid=1dcn9jq8i82py
Andrea K. Urton, LMFT
Chief Executive Officer